MapleStory Maple LIVE (On Air) Update
Maple LIVE Coin Shops
Maple Variety - Tangyoon Restaurant Minigame
- Lv200+ = 740m+ EXP
- Lv230+ = 3.3b+ EXP
- Lv240+ = 3.8b+ EXP
- Lv250+ = 4.5b+ EXP
- Lv260+ = 13.5b+ EXP
- Lv280+ = 25.7b+ EXP
Burning (2 Mega Burning + 2 Tera Burning)
Update Highlights
(NOTE: BELOW ARE NOT FULL PATCH NOTES, just highlights! Visit Orange Mushroom's Blog (Max's blog) for the complete patch notes.)
Quality of Life
Guild Revamp
New Contents / Training Grounds
Reboot World Revamp
(NOTE: BELOW ARE NOT FULL PATCH NOTES, just highlights! Visit Orange Mushroom's Blog (Max's blog) for the complete patch notes.)
- Main Event name "Maple LIVE"
- New coin capping mechanics. You can now coin cap in various ways in-game, from grinding, bossing to doing your daily quests such as Arcane River/Grandis dailies.
- New Maple LIVE Coin Shop, Meso Shop and Boss Shop (Similar to NEO Core Shop, defeat weekly bosses to get coins)
- New mini games
- 2 seasons of Tera Burning
- Burning World with more new rewards
Quality of Life
- Skill Improvements for several jobs
- Link Skill Revamp
- You can now transfer up to 4 times per day and up to 10 times by paying an additional cost.
- First 4 transfers are free.
- 5 times: 5m mesos
- 6 times: 6m mesos
- 7 times: 7m mesos
- 8 times: 8m mesos
- 9 times: 9m mesos
- 10 times: 10m mesos
- You can now transfer up to 4 times per day and up to 10 times by paying an additional cost.
- New stat UI to show Buff Duration, Drop Rate and Mesos Rate
- Arcane River Daily Quest Improvements. All daily quests now give more EXP and some daily quests has been improved.
Guild Revamp
- Guild PQ Revamp
- Changed to solo Punch King type, will take your the highest score every week.
- Flag Race Revamp
- Map update and a new practice mode. You only need to do Flag Once per week, will take your highest score every week.
- Guild Noblesse SP Changes
- Guild UI Revamp with ability to check members guild activities participation
New Contents / Training Grounds
- New Lv230 Arcana Monster Park
- 3 new Limen 1000 Arcane Force training grounds (EXP is about 900k+ each monster, monsters level are Lv262, 263, 265)
Reboot World Revamp
- Reboot Passive Damage has been changed to Final Damage. Fixed Final Damage for each specific level range:
- Lv1 - 99: 30%
- Lv100 - 149: 40%
- Lv150 - 199: 50%
- Lv200 - 249: 60%
- Lv250 - 299: 65%
- Lv300 and above: 70%
- Normal Monster HP reduced.
- Normal hunting ground monsters from Lv110 or higher:
- Lv110 - 119: -2%
- Lv120 - 129: -4%
- Lv130 - 139: -6%
- Lv140 - 159: -8%
- Lv160 - 169: -10%
- Lv170 - 300: -12%
- Arcane Force hunting ground monsters:
- Lv200 - 209: -13%
- Lv210 - 219: -14%
- Lv220 - 229: -12%
- Lv230 - 300: -18%
- Authentic Force hunting ground monsters:
- Lv260 - 300: -18%
- Normal hunting ground monsters from Lv110 or higher:
- Damage increased according to your character's level difference. When your character is higher level than the monster:
- 0 level difference: 100%
- 1 level difference: 102%
- 2 level difference: 104%
- 3 level difference: 106%
- 4 level difference: 108%
- 5 level difference: 110%
- 6 level difference: 112%
- 7 level difference: 114%
- 8 level difference: 116%
- 9 level difference: 118%
- 10 or higher level difference: 120%
Arcana Monster Park (Lv230~Lv239)
- Arcana has been added to Monster Park Advanced Dungeon.
- You can only enter if you have completed the Arcana story quest.
New Anima Mage Job: Lara
- Faction: Flora
- Class: Mage
- Main Stat: INT
- Weapon: Wand (One-Handed Weapon)
- Secondary Weapon: Norigae (Shield cannot be equipped by Lara)
- Maple Union Attacker Unit Member Effects: INT +10/20/40/80/100

[Link Skill] Nature's Friend
- Level 1: 3% Damage. When you kill 20 regular monsters. Your regular monsters damage is increased by 7% for 30 seconds. Cooldown: 30 seconds.
- Level 1: 5% Damage. When you kill 20 regular monsters. Your regular monsters damage is increased by 11% for 30 seconds. Cooldown: 30 seconds.
Maple Variety - Puzzle & Train Master Minigame
- Lv200+ = 740m+ EXP
- Lv230+ = 3.3b+ EXP
- Lv240+ = 3.8b+ EXP
- Lv250+ = 4.5b+ EXP
- Lv260+ = 13.5b+ EXP
- Lv280+ = 25.7b+ EXP
3rd Update Summary
Dynamic Intense Power Boss Crystal Price Explained
New Boss: Guardian Angel Slime
- Requirement: Lv210 and above
- Both Normal and Chaos mode have a chance to drop a Lv160 ring that counts into the normal Boss Accessory set.
- Boss re-entry limit every 30 minutes and a clear limit of 1 per week.
New Daily Content: Morass 'Enheim Defense' & Esfera 'Protect Esfera'
- Available in Morass and Esfera, upon completing relevant story quests
- Required Arcane Force for Morass 'Enheim Defense' (520), Esfera 'Protect Esfera' (640)
- Clear limit 3 times per day, you can get 2 Arcane Symbols per run. Your clear limit will not decrease if you fail.
Exclusive Event: Maple Explorer: Treasure of Pharoah (TMS/CMS)
This is a limited time expedition event with a total of 6 Chapters:
There are 20 levels in each chapter, after clearing each level you'll be able to get various rewards. During the exploration, you also will get Dungeon Coins/Skills, Stats, Equipment, Eternal Stone through the Altar/Monsters. You can use the Eternal Stone to enhance your Eternal Force Skills to clear the dungeon easier. Completing Normal Missions & Challenge Missions will give you an abundance of Selective Arcane/Authentic Symbols, Flames and the above mentioned rewards.
- [Normal Mode] Chapter 1 to 5 (Growth Rewards such as Extreme & Maximum Growth Potions, Karma Bonus Potential Cubes and more)
- [Challenge Mode] Chapter 6 (Special rewards such as Title, Chairs & Mounts)
There are 20 levels in each chapter, after clearing each level you'll be able to get various rewards. During the exploration, you also will get Dungeon Coins/Skills, Stats, Equipment, Eternal Stone through the Altar/Monsters. You can use the Eternal Stone to enhance your Eternal Force Skills to clear the dungeon easier. Completing Normal Missions & Challenge Missions will give you an abundance of Selective Arcane/Authentic Symbols, Flames and the above mentioned rewards.