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7th July 2011 - Cannon Shooter a Pirate Cannon user accompanied by a monkey that will aid with the attacks and buffs has the ability to swim.
21st July 2011 - Mercedes a Dual Bow Hero user very elaborate skills and great mobility Mercedes is a class of its own, therefore it will have its own town similar to Aran and she is the Queen of Elves.
4th August 2011 - Demon Slayer a Warrior Resistance that used to be a general within the Black Mage's army but has moved over to the Resistance Group. Demon Slayer instead of using MP, Demon Slayers will feature Demon Force and that is its Energy and Demon Slayer have its own specialties to grow wings, the wings grow as character level.
Demon Slayer Beginner
Devil Wings - (You can move quickly using the Devil Wings. Riding Skill)
150% speed and 120% jump.
Devil Wings - (You can move quickly using the Devil Wings. Riding Skill)
190% speed and 120% jump.
Demon Jump - (The Devil Wings can be used in a variety of jump skills high jump, double jump, glide)
High Jump: Jump + ↑↑, Double Jump: Jump + →→ or ←←, Glide: Jump while in the air
Demon’s Fury - (When attacking bosses, your inner rage increases your damage and additional Force is absorbed. Link Skill)
10% boss damage and an additional 5 Force is replenished.
Demonic Blood - (Demons are born with a strong will and overwhelming charisma.)
Gives you level 30 Will and Charisma. You have a 100% stance effect.
Death Cut - (There is a chance of instant death when attacking an enemy. When the target is instantly killed, you replenish HP and Force.)
5% chance of instant death when attacking. If the effect activates, replenish 5% HP and 5 Force.
Demon Slayer 1st Job
Demon Lash - (Mash the attack key to whip enemies in front of you 4 times with dark power. Hits return some Fury to you.)
Info: type = 52, areaAttack = 1, commandSkillType = attack
Delays: maxForce0 - 570 ms
Range: 230%
Maximum Level: 10
1st, 2nd: Max Mob Count: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, 3rd: Max Mob Count: #u, Damage: #v%, Number of Hits: #w, 4th: Max Mob Count: #x, Damage: #y, Number of Hits: #z
1. 1st, 2nd: Max Monsters Hit: 6, Damage: 91%, 3rd: Max Monsters Hit: 6, Damage: 81%, Number of Hits: 2, 4th: Max Monsters Hit: 6, Damage: 81, Number of Hits: 3
5. 1st, 2nd: Max Monsters Hit: 6, Damage: 95%, 3rd: Max Monsters Hit: 6, Damage: 85%, Number of Hits: 2, 4th: Max Monsters Hit: 6, Damage: 85, Number of Hits: 3
10. 1st, 2nd: Max Monsters Hit: 6, Damage: 100%, 3rd: Max Monsters Hit: 6, Damage: 90%, Number of Hits: 2, 4th: Max Monsters Hit: 6, Damage: 90, Number of Hits: 3
Grim Scythe - (Summons a demonic scythe that tears through multiple enemies in front of you.)
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1, rapidAttack = 1, knockbackLimit = 100
Delays: bluntSmashLoop - 360 ms
Range: 267%
Pre-requisite: Level 1 Demon Lash
Maximum Level: 15
Force Cost: attacked HP # hpCon, Force # forceCon consumption, and then key skills If the maximum # mobCount # damage% damage to enemies attacking # attackCount times available
1. HP Cost: 15, Force Cost: 3 per attack, when holding down the skill key, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Damage: 71%, Number of Hits: 3
10. HP Cost: 15, Force Cost: 3 per attack, when holding down the skill key, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Damage: 80%, Number of Hits: 3
15. HP Cost: 15, Force Cost: 3 per attack, when holding down the skill key, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Damage: 85%, Number of Hits: 3
Battle Pact - ((Infuses your weapon with your own life force to increase One Handed Blunt Weapons or Axes by 2 levels for a short time.)
Info: type = 10
Delays: alert3 - 1500 ms
Pre-requisite: Level 5 Demon Lash
Maximum Level: 20
HP Cost: #hpCon, Duration: #time sec
1. HP Cost: 194, Duration: 28 sec
10. HP Cost: 140, Duration: 100 sec
20. HP Cost: 80, Duration: 180 sec
Shadow Swiftness - (Permanently increases Accuracy, Speed, and Jump.)
Info: type = 50
Pre-requisite: Level 1 Demon Lash
Maximum Level: 10
Accuracy: +#accX, Speed: +#psdSpeed, Jump: +#psdJump
1. Accuracy: +20, Speed: +7, Jump: +2
5. Accuracy: +100, Speed: +15, Jump: +10
10. Accuracy: +200, Speed: +25, Jump: +20
HP Boost - (Permanently increases Max HP.)
Info: type = 50
Pre-requisite: Level 1 Demon Lash
Maximum Level: 10
Max HP: +#mhpR%
1. Max HP: +2%
5. Max HP: +10%
10. Max HP: +20%
Demon Slayer 2nd Job
Barbed Lash - (Makes your Demon Lash hurt more and look nastier, permanently increasing its damage.)
Info: type = 50
Maximum Level: 1
Demon Slash Damage: +#damR%
Demon Slash Damage: +20%
Soul Eater - (Snares and pulls multiple enemies towards you, where they suffer the full force of your might.)
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1, rapidAttack = 1, knockbackLimit = 100, pullTarget = 1
Delays: bluntSmash - 660 ms
Range: 500%
Maximum Level: 20
Force Cost: attacked HP # hpCon, Force # forceCon consumption, skill Holding down # mobCount maximum drag enemies to the # attackCount danggimyeo # damage% Damage attack once available
1. HP Cost: 45, Force Cost: 6 per attack, when holding down the skill key, Max Mob Count: 8, Damage: 80%, Number of Hits: 4
10. HP Cost: 45, Force Cost: 6 per attack, when holding down the skill key, Max Mob Count: 8, Damage: 90%, Number of Hits: 4
20. HP Cost: 45, Force Cost: 6 per attack, when holding down the skill key, Max Mob Count: 8, Damage: 100%, Number of Hits: 4
Dark Thrust - (Charge forward with terrifying rage, dragging multiple unfortunate enemies with you)
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1, pushTarget = 1, casterMove = 1
Delays: darkThrust - 900 ms
Range: 500%
Maximum Level: 20
Force Cost: #forceCon, Max Mob Count: #mobCount, Damage: #damage, Number of Hits: #attackCount
1. Force Cost: 10, Max Mob Count: 8, Damage: 86, Number of Hits: 3
10. Force Cost: 10, Max Mob Count: 8, Damage: 95, Number of Hits: 3
20. Force Cost: 10, Max Mob Count: 8, Damage: 105, Number of Hits: 3
Chaos Lock - (Targets and attacks the enemy closest to you. Has a chance to stun the enemy. Allows you to teleport using the directional keys.)
Info: type = 1, casterMove = 1, areaAttack = 1, mes = stun
Delays: demonTrace - 810 ms
Range: 200%
Final Attack: 1H Axe, 1H BW
Maximum Level: 15
Force Cost: #forceCon, after teleporting, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, Chance to Stun: #prop% for #time sec
1. Force Cost: 18, after teleporting, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Damage: 207%, Chance to Stun: 48% for 1 sec
10. Force Cost: 18, after teleporting, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Damage: 270%, Chance to Stun: 75% for 2 sec
15. Force Cost: 18, after teleporting, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Damage: 305%, Chance to Stun: 90% for 3 sec
Vengeance - (Returns damage taken from enemies to the dealer, along with a chance to stun them. Cannot return more than half of an enemy's HP at once.)
Info: type = 11, PADReflect = 1, MADReflect = 1, magicSteal = 1, dotType = paralyze, mes = freeze
Delays: demonGravity - 1350 ms
Maximum Level: 20
HP Cost: HP # hpCon consumption, # time second victim received # y% of the enemy back as long as the zoom, the target # prop% # subTime second chance to attack
1. HP Cost: 70, Duration: 66, Damage Reflected: 115%, Chance to Stun: 33% for 1 sec
10. HP Cost: 110, Duration: 120, Damage Reflected: 250%, Chance to Paralyze: 60% for 3 sec
20. HP Cost: 150, Duration: 180, Damage Reflected: 400%, Chance to Stun: 90% for 5 sec
Weapon Mastery - (Increases the weapon mastery and accuracy of axes and blunt weapons.)
Info: type = 50
Maximum Level: 20
Weapon Mastery: +#mastery%, Accuracy: +#accX
1. Weapon Mastery: +12%, Accuracy: +6
10. Weapon Mastery: +30%, Accuracy: +60
20. Weapon Mastery: +50%, Accuracy: +120
Outrage - (Permanently increases ATT and Critical Rate.)
Info: type = 50
Maximum Level: 20
Attack # padX, # cr% critical rate rise
1. Weapon ATT: +6, Critical Hit Rate: +1%
10. Weapon ATT: +15, Critical Hit Rate: +5%
20. Weapon ATT: +25, Critical Hit Rate: +10%
Physical Training - (Permanently increases STR and DEX.)
Info: type = 50
Maximum Level: 10
Strength: +#strX, Dexterity: +#dexX
1. Strength: +3, Dexterity: +3
5. Strength: +15, Dexterity: +15
10. Strength: +30, Dexterity: +30
Demon Slayer 3rd Job
Demon Lash Arch - (Uses teeth-gritting anger to grant an additional increase to damage done by Demon Lash.)
Info: type = 50
Pre-requisite: Level 1 Barbed Lash
Maximum Level: 1
Demon Slash Damage: +#x% (Cumulative Damage Increase: +#damR%)
Demon Slash Damage: +60% (Cumulative Damage Increase: +80%)
Judgement - (udge your enemies...harshly. This attack hits multiple nearby enemies, dealing critical damage with a chance for additional critical hits.)
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1
Delays: darkSpin - 1980 ms
Range: 350%
Maximum Level: 20
Force Cost: HP # hpCon, Force # forceCon consumption, the maximum # mobCount enemies # damage% damage, Additional Critical Rate # cr%
1. Force Cost: 40, Max Monsters Hit: 10, Damage: 110%, Number of Hits: 4, Critical Hit Rate: +40%
10. Force Cost: 40, Max Monsters Hit: 10, Damage: 130%, Number of Hits: 4, Critical Hit Rate: +40%
20. Force Cost: 40, Max Monsters Hit: 10, Damage: 150%, Number of Hits: 4, Critical Hit Rate: +40%
Vortex of Doom - (Creates a vortex of dark energy inside you that draws nearby enemies into your attack and stuns them.)
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1, pullTarget = 1, mes = stun
Delays: deathDraw - 1200 ms
Range: 350%
Maximum Level: 20
Force Cost: #forceCon, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, Stun Chance: #prop% for #time sec
1. Force Cost: 18, Max Monsters Hit: 10, Damage: 152%, Stun Chance: 52% for 1 sec
10. Force Cost: 18, Max Monsters Hit: 10, Damage: 170%, Stun Chance: 70% for 3 sec
20. Force Cost: 18, Max Monsters Hit: 10, Damage: 190%, Stun Chance: 90% for 5 sec
Raven Storm - (Summons a flock of really angry ravens that peck the faces off of any enemies in front of you. The ravens then return the enemies' HP to you as thanks for letting them take out their aggression.)
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1
Delays: healingAttack - 1200 ms
Range: 400%
Maximum Level: 20
Force Cost: #forceCon, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, Number of Hits: #attackCount, Recovers #x% of Max HP, Cooldown Time: #cooltime sec
1. Force Cost: 25, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Damage: 132%, Number of Hits: 4, Recovers 21% of Max HP, Cooldown Time: 20 sec
10. Force Cost: 25, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Damage: 150%, Number of Hits: 4, Recovers 30% of Max HP, Cooldown Time: 15 sec
20. Force Cost: 25, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Damage: 170%, Number of Hits: 4, Recovers 40% of Max HP, Cooldown Time: 10 sec
Carrion Breath - (Summons the power of the Poison Demon's horrible breath to attack multiple enemies at once. Targets receive continual damage over a short amount of time and are unable to eat lunch for a week afterwards.)
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1, rapidAttack = 1, knockbackLimit = 100, dot = 1, condition = attack, dotType = paralyze
Delays: demonicBreathe - 720 ms
Range: 250%
Element: Poison
Maximum Level: 20
Force Cost: attacked HP # hpCon, Force # forceCon consumption, and hold key skills up to # mobCount # damage% damage to person # attackCount enemy blows, to the target # dotTime # dotInterval second per second, # dot% damage to property sustained effect of the poison.
1. HP Cost: 60, Force Cost: 12 per attack, when holding down the skill key, Max Monsters Hit: 10, Damage: 100%, Number of Hits: 4, Damage Over Time: 95% damage every 1 sec for 4 sec
10. HP Cost: 70, Force Cost: 12 per attack, when holding down the skill key, Max Monsters Hit: 10, Damage: 120%, Number of Hits: 4, Damage Over Time: 105% damage every 1 sec for 6 sec
20. HP Cost: 80, Force Cost: 12 per attack, when holding down the skill key, Max Monsters Hit: 10, Damage: 140%, Number of Hits: 4, Damage Over Time: 115% damage every 1 sec for 8 sec
Black-Hearted Strength - (Your cold, uncaring heart steels you against attacks, providing a temporary increases to DEF, Abnormal Status Resistance, and all Elemental Resistance.)
Info: type = 10, magicSteal = 1
Delays: powerEndure - 1440 ms
Maximum Level: 20
HP Cost: #hpCon, Duration: #time, Defense: +#x%, Status Effect Resistance: +#y%, Elemental Resistance: +#z%
1. HP Cost: 100, Duration: 66, Defense: +5%, Status Effect Resistance: +3%, Elemental Resistance: +3%
10. HP Cost: 140, Duration: 120, Defense: +50%, Status Effect Resistance: +30%, Elemental Resistance: +30%
20. HP Cost: 200, Duration: 180, Defense: +100%, Status Effect Resistance: +60%, Elemental Resistance: +60%
Insult to Injury - (Increases damage and critical rate when attacking enemies in abnormal status.)
Info: type = 51
Maximum Level: 15
When attacking enemies with a status effect, Damage: +#x%, Critical Hit Rate: +#y%
1. When attacking enemies with a status effect, Damage: +1%, Critical Hit Rate: +1%
10. When attacking enemies with a status effect, Damage: +10%, Critical Hit Rate: +10%
15. When attacking enemies with a status effect, Damage: +15%, Critical Hit Rate: +15%
Focused Fury - (Focuses powers to permanently increase damage and improve attack speed by 1 level.)
Info: type = 50
Maximum Level: 20
Damage: +#damR%, Weapon Speed: -1
1. Damage: +1%, Weapon Speed: -1
10. Damage: +10%, Weapon Speed: -1
20. Damage: +20%, Weapon Speed: -1
Possessed Aegis - (Grants the Demon Aegis a chance to guard against enemy attacks. When guarding is successful, a small amount of Fury and HP are recovered.)
Info: type = 11, PADReflect = 1, MADReflect = 1
Maximum Level: 15
Chance to Guard: #x%, Recovers #y% HP and #z Force
1. Chance to Guard: 2%, Recovers 1% HP and 1 Force
10. Chance to Guard: 20%, Recovers 2% HP and 4 Force
15. Chance to Guard: 30%, Recovers 3% HP and 5 Force
Max Fury - (Allows you to receive additional Fury when using Demon Slash, and recovers a fixed amount of Fury every 4 seconds.)
Info: type = 50
Maximum Level: 5
Chance to recover addition Force when using Demon Slash: #prop%, Recover #y Force every 4 seconds
1. Chance to recover addition Force when using Demon Slash: 15%, Recover 2 Force every 4 seconds
5. Chance to recover addition Force when using Demon Slash: 75%, Recover 10 Force every 4 seconds
Demon Slayer 4th Job
Demon Thrash - (Demon Lash's ultimate upgrade.)
Info: type = 50
Pre-requisite: Level 1 Demon Lash Arch
Maximum Level: 1
Demon Slash Damage: +#x% (Cumulative Damage Increase: +#damR%)
Demon Slash Damage: +120% (Cumulative Damage Increase: +200%)
Infernal Concussion - (Calls an eruption from below to blast nearby enemies into the air. Enemies in air receive 100% critical damage from the explosion.)
Info: type = 1, upperAttack = 1, areaAttack = 1
Delays: reverseGravity - 870 ms
Range: 400%
Maximum Level: 30
Force Cost: HP # hpCon, Force # forceCon consumption, the maximum # mobCount # damage% damage to enemy attack and after Hover, # v% # w times critical damage to the attack
1. HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Max Monsters Hit: 10, Damage: 250%, floating enemies after. Damage: 145%, Number of Hits: 4 (Critical Hits)
15. HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Max Monsters Hit: 10, Damage: 325%, floating enemies after. Damage: 190%, Number of Hits: 4 (Critical Hits
30. HP Cost: 600, Force Cost: 80, Max Monsters Hit: 10, Damage: 400%, floating enemies after. Damage: 335%, Number of Hits: 4 (Critical Hits)
Demon Impact - (Call forth your inner demon to deal critical damage on multiple enemies in front of you. Your channel to the nether gives you a chance to ignore Enemy DEF and raises your chance for a critical. Final damage increases when fighting boss monsters.)
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1
Delays: demonImpact - 1470 ms
Range: 375%
Maximum Level: 30
Force Cost: Force # forceCon consumption, the maximum # mobCount # damage% damage to enemies # attackCount blows, add # cr% critical chance and ignore the effect of adding mobs ERA # ignoreMobpdpR% coverage, target the boss, the final damage monseuteoil # bdR% increase
1. Force Cost: 40, Max Monsters Hit: 3, Damage: 180%, Number of Hits: 5, Critical Hit Rate: 100%, Enemy Defense: -20%, Damage vs Boss Monsters: +1%
15. Force Cost: 40, Max Monsters Hit: 3, Damage: 210%, Number of Hits: 5, Critical Hit Rate: 100%, Enemy Defense: -25%, Damage vs Boss Monsters: +15%
30. Force Cost: 40, Max Monsters Hit: 3, Damage: 240%, Number of Hits: 5, Critical Hit Rate: 100%, Enemy Defense: -30%, Damage vs Boss Monsters: +30%
Demon Cry - (Releases your inner demons to intimidate and deal damage on multiple nearby enemies. Enemies will suffer a hit to DEF, ATT, and Accuracy while your EXP and item drop rate increase.)
Info: type = 1, mes = reduceTargetDam&&reduceTargetPDP&&reduceTargetMDP& &reduceTargetACC , areaAttack = 1
Delays: provoc - 2160 ms
Range: 500%
Maximum Level: 20
HP Cost: #hpCon, Force Cost: #forceCon, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, Number of Hits: #attackCount, Threaten status effect. Duration: #subTime, Enemy Attack and Defense: -#x%, Accuracy: -#z%, EXP and Item Drop Rate: +#w%
1. HP Cost: 500, Force Cost: 50, Max Monsters Hit: 15, Damage: 153%, Number of Hits: 5, Threaten status effect. Duration: 10 sec, Enemy Attack and Defense: -5%, Accuracy: -1%, EXP and Item Drop Rate: +1%
10. HP Cost: 500, Force Cost: 50, Max Monsters Hit: 15, Damage: 180%, Number of Hits: 5, Threaten status effect. Duration: 12 sec, Enemy Attack and Defense: -10%, Accuracy: -10%, EXP and Item Drop Rate: +10%
20. HP Cost: 500, Force Cost: 50, Max Monsters Hit: 15, Damage: 210%, Number of Hits: 5, Threaten status effect. Duration: 15 sec, Enemy Attack and Defense: -15%, Accuracy: -20%, EXP and Item Drop Rate: +20%
Binding Darkness - (Has a chance to knock down multiple enemies and deal continuous damage while they are on the ground. The attack also ignores a fixed amount of enemy DEF. The effects of Dark Bind apply to both bosses and regular monsters.)
Info: type = 1, dot = 1, dotType = paralyze, mes = restrict&&attackLimit&&buffLimit, areaAttack = 1
Delays: demonbind - 2280 ms
Range: 500%
Maximum Level: 20
Active Effect: Force Cost: #forceCon, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, Duration: #time, #prop% chance to lockdown and deal #dot% damage per #dotInterval sec. Cooldown Time: #cooltime sec. Passive Effect: Ignore #ignoreMobpdpR% Monster Defense
1. Active Effect: Force Cost: 80, Max Monsters Hit: 15, Damage: 400%, 60% chance to lockdown and deal 80% damage per 1 sec for 10 sec, Cooldown Time: 180 sec. Passive Effect: Ignore 11% Monster Defense
10. Active Effect: Force Cost: 80, Max Monsters Hit: 15, Damage: 550%, 80% chance to lockdown and deal 110% damage per 1 sec for 15 sec, Cooldown Time: 156 sec. Passive Effect: Ignore 20% Monster Defense
20. Active Effect: Force Cost: 80, Max Monsters Hit: 15, Damage: 700%, 100% chance to lockdown and deal 140% damage per 1 sec for 20 sec, Cooldown Time: 120 sec. Passive Effect: Ignore 30% Monster Defense
Boundless Rage - (Consumes all remaining Fury to send yourself into a raging berserker mode. All Fury-based attacks will be free for a short period, however the skill has a long cooldown.)
Info: type = 10, pvp = 0
Delays: alert3 - 1500 ms
Maximum Level: 15
Force Cost: #forceCon, Duration: #time, Cooldown Time: #cooltime sec
1. Force Cost: 120, Duration: 10, Cooldown Time: 580 sec
10. Force Cost: 120, Duration: 25, Cooldown Time: 400 sec
15. Force Cost: 120, Duration: 30, Cooldown Time: 300 sec
Leech Aura - (Utilize your connection with the crawling slimy things of the world to sap enemy HP with every blow. You and your party members will receive life for every blow you inflict for a short time, up to 3% at a time.)
Info: type = 11, hpDrain = 1, condition = attack
Delays: partyHealing - 1710 ms
Range: 512%
Maximum Level: 10
Force Cost: #forceCon, Duration: #time, Recover #x% damage to Party Member's HP
1. Force Cost: 50, Duration: 72, Recover 1% damage to Party Member's HP
5. Force Cost: 50, Duration: 120, Recover 2% damage to Party Member's HP
10. Force Cost: 50, Duration: 180, Recover 3% damage to Party Member's HP
Dark Metamorphosis - (Unleashes 2 beings of spectral shadow to join you and attack anything in sight. The spirit channel also provides you and increase to damage and HP for a short period of time.)
Info: type = 11, areaAttack = 1
Delays: devilishPower - 1680 ms
Range: 150%
Maximum Level: 30
Force Cost: HP # hpCon, Force # forceCon consumption, # time second Damage # damR%, Max HP # x% rise, close to the enemies of the auto-attack damage # damage%
1. HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 64 sec, Damage: +1%, Max HP: +6%, Orb Damage: 63%
15. HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 120 sec, Damage: +15%, Max HP: +13%, Orb Damage: 105%
30. HP Cost: 300, Force Cost: 75, Duration: 180 sec, Damage: +30%, Max HP: +20%, Orb Damage: 150%
Maple Warrior - (Increases the stats of all party members.)
Info: type = 10, massSpell = 1, magicSteal = 1
Delays: alert3 - 1500 ms
Range: 400%
Maximum Level: 30
HP Cost: #hpCon, Duration: #time sec, All Stats: +#x%
1. HP Cost: 150, Duration: 30 sec, All Stats: +1%
15. HP Cost: 300, Duration: 450 sec, All Stats: +8%
30. HP Cost: 500, Duration: 900 sec, All Stats: +15%
Barricade Mastery - (Become a master of melee. Maxes out the Mastery of One Handed Blunt and Axe type weapons while increasing Minimum Critical Damage and Weapon ATT.)
Info: type = 50
Pre-requisite: Level 20 Weapon Mastery
Maximum Level: 30
1H Blunt Weapon and Axe Mastery: +#mastery%, Weapon ATT: +#padX, Minimum Critical Damage: +#criticaldamageMin%
1. 1H Blunt Weapon and Axe Mastery: +56%, Weapon ATT: +1, Minimum Critical Damage: +1%
15. 1H Blunt Weapon and Axe Mastery: +63%, Weapon ATT: +15, Minimum Critical Damage: +8%
30. 1H Blunt Weapon and Axe Mastery: +70%, Weapon ATT: +30, Minimum Critical Damage: +15%
Obsidian Skin - (Permanently fortify your defensive abilities so that you take less damage from enemies.)
Info: type = 50
Maximum Level: 30
Damage Taken: -#t%
1. Damage Taken: -5.5%
15. Damage Taken: -12.5%
30. Damage Taken: -20.0%