Born without a tail or magic, a young Nova named Tear endured disappointment from Nova elders and flat-out torment from her peers. Her only friends were two kind boys, Kyle and Velderoth, who watched over her from the get-go. Together, they formed the Heliseum Force, dreaming of one day recapturing the homeland that was stolen from them. But they were too young to stand up to the attacks on Pantheon...
When the Heliseum Force is overwhelmed at Pantheon, Tear calls on the power of an ancient relic to save her friends. Her plan works, but she gets much more than she bargained for. Now, the voice of the ancient Nova dragon warrior, Eskalade, rings out in her head. It tells Tear of her new destiny... to become the Angelic Buster!
When the Heliseum Force is overwhelmed at Pantheon, Tear calls on the power of an ancient relic to save her friends. Her plan works, but she gets much more than she bargained for. Now, the voice of the ancient Nova dragon warrior, Eskalade, rings out in her head. It tells Tear of her new destiny... to become the Angelic Buster!
Primary Stat: Dexterity (DEX): The higher your DEX, the more damage you'll do when attacking. Some weapons require a certain amount of DEX before you can use them.
After maxing your Dexterity stat, it is recommended you apply Ability Points (AP) to Strength (STR). This will increase your attack power less than Dexterity, but more than the other options.
You can use the "Auto-Assign" function to allocate your Ability Points (AP) automatically. It will automatically put all of your AP in DEX, then when your DEX stat is maxed, it will put AP in STR.
After maxing your Dexterity stat, it is recommended you apply Ability Points (AP) to Strength (STR). This will increase your attack power less than Dexterity, but more than the other options.
You can use the "Auto-Assign" function to allocate your Ability Points (AP) automatically. It will automatically put all of your AP in DEX, then when your DEX stat is maxed, it will put AP in STR.
- Angelic Buster will have her 1st job advancement complete when her tutorial ends. Check the light bulb notifier for her later job advancement quests: 2nd job at Lv.30, 3rd job at Lv.60, 4th job at Lv.100.
- From Lv.140-200, Angelic Buster will occasionally unlock special Hyper Skills. These passive and active skills will make her even more powerful.
- Angelic Buster must have a soul shooter equipped in order to use all of her skills.
- Angelic Buster can't obtain a unique mount or the Monster Rider ability, but she can move around quickly with his Feather Hop (double-jump) and Grappling Heart skills, and she can use general mount skills.
- Each Angelic Buster character has its own Cash Shop inventory, not shared with other characters.
- Soul Battery skills are powerful attacks that must be recharged after use, and the only way to recharge them is by attacking enemies! Different attacks will recharge the skills at different rates, and the Affinity Heart skills can help them recharge faster. You’ll know a skill needs to be recharged when its icon turns gray. The Soul Battery UI lists all available Soul Battery skills and their availability.